My Favourites
Travel & Leisure
11 €
Les coulisses du 7e Art dans le plus grand cinéma d'Europe : Le Grand Rex
Monuments & Museums
Boulevard Poissonnière,
75002 Paris
Devenez l’acteur principal d’une aventure exceptionnelle au cœur du Grand Rex ! Vous partirez à la découverte des coulisses de cette salle de cinéma mythique au travers de multiples activités ludiques. 50 minutes magiques et spectaculaires …
Classé au titre des monuments historiques depuis 1981, le Grand Rex jouit d’une remarquable popularité dans le monde du 7ème art. Grâce à un parcours audioguidé interactif, vous découvrirez l’envers du décor et saurez enfin ce qu’il se passe derrière l’écran de la plus grande salle de cinéma d’Europe. Que vous soyez passionné des salles obscures, spectateur occasionnel ou touriste, vous découvrirez les décors et trucages de ce fabuleux art, et des révélations croustillantes. Soyez donc prêt pour un voyage imaginaire où vous deviendrez tour à tour projectionniste, acteur, …
Au programme de votre parcours :
* L’ENTRÉE DES COULISSES DU CINÉMA : vous emprunterez l’entrée des artistes puis un escalier vous annonçant un périple original au cœur du cinéma.
* LE PRÉAMBULE : vous ferez une halte au dernier étage de la tour du Rex, reconstitué au rez-de-chaussée et consacré à l’Histoire du Rex. Vous assisterez en image à quelques moments phares de l’histoire de ce cinéma. Le fameux ciel étoilé de ce cinéma atmosphérique vous sera présenté.
* L’ASCENSEUR TRANSPARENT : vous emprunterez un ascenseur panoramique transparent situé derrière le grand écran et entamerez une montée vertigineuse qui vous offrira l’occasion unique de voir la scène d’un angle inédit et mouvant, mais aussi la salle des machineries.
* LE BUREAU DU DIRECTEUR : vous y admirerez des photographies, trophées, oscars et autres récompenses. Vous assisterez à un défilé de stars diffusé sur l’écran qui vous fera revivre des instants cultes cinématographiques.
* LA CABINE DE PROJECTION : c’est l’un des lieux les plus secrets et mystérieux du cinéma. Vous accèderez dans un des espaces les plus inaccessibles du cinéma, verrez d’anciens projecteurs et la pellicule de cinéma n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous.
* LE TUNNEL DES STARS : vous y entendrez la conversation de figures emblématiques du cinéma qui se répondent : George Clooney, Marilyn Monroe, Isabelle Adjani, Coluche, Gérard Depardieu et beaucoup d’autres !
* LA SALLE DES EFFETS SPÉCIAUX : vous assisterez à un tournage qui vous mettra à l’épreuve sur le pont d’un bateau en pleine tempête.
* LE PLATEAU DE TOURNAGE : vous découvrirez les coulisses d’un plateau de tournage d’un film catastrophe en tant que figurant. Vous serez plongé au cœur d’un film d’action palpitant où vous ferez face à un King Kong plus vrai que nature qui menace le Grand Rex.
* LE STUDIO D’ENREGISTREMENT : Vous vous essaierez à l’exercice du doublage face au micro avant de rejoindre la salle de projection où vous prendrez votre place de spectateur. Une surprise vous attendra à l’écran…
- La découverte des coulisses du plus grand cinéma d’Europe
- Un cadre magique et impressionnant
- Un véritable voyage au cœur du cinéma
- Une initiation ludique aux métiers du cinéma
The cost is inclusive of
- La visite du musée
The cost is not inclusive of
- La prise en charge depuis/vers votre hôtel
- Les pourboires (facultatif)
- Tout autre extra
Useful Tips
* Validité : du mercredi au dimanche / tous les jours pendant les vacances scolaires (sauf cas exceptionnels)
* Horaires : de 10h00 à 18h00 les mercredis, jeudi, vendredi et dimanche. De 10h à 18h30 les samedis
* Heure de départ: toutes les 5 min
* Durée : 50 minutes
* Langues : français, anglais, italien, espagnol, allemand, russe
* Lieu : Paris 2
* Accès : Métro Bonne Nouvelle (lignes 8 et 9)
* Durant les vacances scolaires des visites supplémentaires sont possibles les lundi de 14h à 18h et mardi de 10h à 18h
* Parcours non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite.
* Visite conseillée à partir de 5 ans
* Animaux non admis
* Cette visite ne comprend pas l'accès à la grande salle
* Horaires : de 10h00 à 18h00 les mercredis, jeudi, vendredi et dimanche. De 10h à 18h30 les samedis
* Heure de départ: toutes les 5 min
* Durée : 50 minutes
* Langues : français, anglais, italien, espagnol, allemand, russe
* Lieu : Paris 2
* Accès : Métro Bonne Nouvelle (lignes 8 et 9)
* Durant les vacances scolaires des visites supplémentaires sont possibles les lundi de 14h à 18h et mardi de 10h à 18h
* Parcours non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite.
* Visite conseillée à partir de 5 ans
* Animaux non admis
* Cette visite ne comprend pas l'accès à la grande salle

Mariage Frères
At 0.1 Km from the hotel

Le Perchoir Marais
At 0.2 Km from the hotel

Les Philosophes
At 0.2 Km from the hotel

Musée des Archives nationales, hôtel de Soubise
At 0.3 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Robert et Louise
At 0.3 Km from the hotel

Café Beaubourg
At 0.4 Km from the hotel

Centre Pompidou
At 0.4 Km from the hotel

Pain Vin Fromages
At 0.4 Km from the hotel

At 0.5 Km from the hotel

Hôtel de Ville de Paris
At 0.5 Km from the hotel

Musée Carnavalet
At 0.5 Km from the hotel

Musée National Picasso
At 0.7 Km from the hotel

Centre Georges Pompidou
At 0.7 Km from the hotel

Musée Carnavalet
At 0.7 Km from the hotel

Ducs des Lombards - Jazz
At 0.7 Km from the hotel

Sunset - Jazz
At 0.7 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Vins des Pyrénées
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

Place des Vosges
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

Les Bains
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

At 0.9 Km from the hotel

At 1 Km from the hotel

Musée du Louvre
At 1.2 Km from the hotel

At 1.2 Km from the hotel

Caveau de la Huchette
At 1.2 Km from the hotel

Bouillon Racine
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

At 0.1 Km from the hotel

La Panfoulia
At 0.1 Km from the hotel

La Belle Hortense
At 0.1 Km from the hotel

The Lizard Lounge
At 0.1 Km from the hotel

Théâtre des Blancs-Manteaux
At 0.1 Km from the hotel

At 0.2 Km from the hotel

Discover Le Marais Street Art with a Polaroid Camera – Private tour
At 0 Km from the hotel

Discover Le Marais Street Art with a Polaroid Camera (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

At 0.3 Km from the hotel

Café de la Gare
At 0.3 Km from the hotel

Gourmet Tour of the Latin Quarter
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Pompidou Center: E-Ticket with Fast-Track Access – Permanent & temporary collections
At 0 Km from the hotel

Restaurant, Le Dôme du Marais
At 0.4 Km from the hotel

Guided Walking Tour of Le Marais – Paris's historic quarter
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paris Plage
At 0.5 Km from the hotel

Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme
At 0.5 Km from the hotel

musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
At 0.5 Km from the hotel

Gourmet Tour of the Marais
At 0 Km from the hotel

Breakfast in America
At 0.6 Km from the hotel

Village Saint-Paul
At 0.6 Km from the hotel

Guided Walking Tour of Ile de la Cité
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Dark Legends of Paris – Guided tour
At 0 Km from the hotel

Shopping in the Marais with a guided tour (in French)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Discover fashionable young designers in the Marais - Paris (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Shopping in the Marais with a guided tour (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Discover fashionable young designers in the Marais - Paris (in French)
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Mysteries of Medieval Paris – Treasure hunt with a theatrical guide
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Mysteries of Medieval Paris: Treasure Hunt with a Theatrical Guide – Open ticket (valid until 31/12/16)
At 0 Km from the hotel

E-billet pour la Conciergerie - accès prioritaire
At 0 Km from the hotel

Théâtre du Châtelet
At 0.8 Km from the hotel

Forum des Halles
At 0.8 Km from the hotel

Discover French Culture on the Île de la Cité – Private tour
At 0 Km from the hotel

Discover French Culture on the Île de la Cité (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

E-billet pour la Sainte-Chapelle avec accès prioritaire
At 0 Km from the hotel

Billet combiné pour la Conciergerie et la Sainte-Chapelle - accès prioritaire
At 0 Km from the hotel

Marché des Enfants Rouges
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

Restaurant 404
At 0.9 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Republican Guard’s Cavalry Site (French only)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Murder & Mystery at the Palace of Versailles – Guided tour in English departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Découverte et dégustation de vins français au cœur de Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

At 1 Km from the hotel

Place des Vosges
At 1 Km from the hotel

The "Tour de France" of Wine (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Lunchtime Cheese & Wine Tasting Class (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Dinner & Wine Tasting (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Grand Cru Wine Tasting Masterclass (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Bike Tour of Central Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Cycling Tour of the Parisian Canals and Parc de la Villette
At 0 Km from the hotel

Offbeat Bike Tour of Paris: Artists' Studios to Le Corbusier
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paradis Latin Cabaret – Show without dinner
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paradis Latin: Cabaret Show & Champagne
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paradis Latin: Cabaret Show & Dinner
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paradis Latin Cabaret: Christmas Eve Dinner & Show
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paradis Latin Paris: New Year's Eve Dinner & Show
At 0 Km from the hotel

New Year’s Eve at Paradis Latin: Cabaret Show, Dancing & Breakfast
At 0 Km from the hotel

Restaurant, L'escargot Montorgueuil
At 1.2 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Bofinger
At 1.2 Km from the hotel

Palais de Tokyo
At 1.2 Km from the hotel

Louvre Museum – Priority-Access Ticket (optional audio guide)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Louvre Museum Priority-Access Ticket & Cruise on the Seine
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit Paris Pass: Museums, Attractions & Transport within Paris – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Tickets for the Chocolate Museum (Musée Gourmand du Chocolat)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Opéra Bastille
At 1.4 Km from the hotel

Palais Royal Murder Mystery Tour – Follow the clues to solve the crime
At 0 Km from the hotel

Palais Royal Murder Mystery Tour – Open ticket (valid until 31/12/16)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Private tour of Saint-Germain-des-Prés with a Polaroid Camera
At 0 Km from the hotel

Tour of Saint-Germain-des-Près with a Polaroid Camera (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Night-Time Murder Mystery Tour of the Latin Quarter – Tour with clues and actors
At 0 Km from the hotel

Musée du Louvre: Visites thématiques guidées
At 0 Km from the hotel

Les coulisses du 7e Art dans le plus grand cinéma d'Europe : Le Grand Rex
At 0 Km from the hotel

E-billet pour le Panthéon de Paris - accès prioritaire
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided tour of Paris's covered shopping arcades and their unique boutiques
At 0 Km from the hotel

VIP Tour: Live Like a Celebrity
At 0 Km from the hotel

History of Paris' Black Community
At 0 Km from the hotel

Frenchie Bar à Vins
At 1.6 Km from the hotel

Food-lover's guided tour of Saint Germain des Prés (in English only)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Food-lover's guided tour of Saint Germain des Prés (in French only)
At 0 Km from the hotel

The chocolate tour: a cultural and mouth-watering guided tour of Saint Germain des Prés (in English)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Walk through the Jardins des Champs-Elysées
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

100% Jazz Evening – Guided Tour, Concert and Dinner at the Duc des Lombards
At 0 Km from the hotel

Parisian Market Tour and Local Produce Tasting
At 0 Km from the hotel

Photography Walk around the Jardin du Luxembourg
At 0 Km from the hotel

Professional Photography Class: How to operate your reflex camera
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Walking Tour in the Heart of Saint Germain des Près
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paris Night Tour: Over 40 Illuminated Monuments & Attractions
At 0 Km from the hotel

Comédie Française
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Café Ruc
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

Galerie Vivienne
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

Les Jardins du Palais Royal
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

Palais Royal
At 1.7 Km from the hotel

Musée Grévin – Fast-track entry tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Lunch at the Eiffel Tower, Coach Tour of Paris & Seine River Cruise – Skip the line
At 0 Km from the hotel

Evening Bus Tour of the Paris Illuminations
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Louvre Museum with Audio Guide – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paris Coach Tour & Seine River Cruise
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paris Coach Tour + Seine River Cruise + Eiffel Tower Visit – skip the line
At 0 Km from the hotel

Paris City Tour by Bus
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Palace of Versailles: Transport from Paris + Tickets + Audio Guide
At 0 Km from the hotel

Disneyland Paris: 1 day / 2 parks
At 0 Km from the hotel

Evening Visit to Versailles: Tour of the Palace + Fountain Night Show
At 0 Km from the hotel

Excursion to Bruges – Departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Palace of Versailles + Lunch in the Gardens + Visit to the Trianon Palaces – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

3-Day Tour of the Normandy Landing Beaches, St Malo, Mont Saint-Michel & The Loire Chateaux
At 0 Km from the hotel

Dinner at the Eiffel Tower, Evening River Cruise & Moulin Rouge Show
At 0 Km from the hotel

Disneyland: 1 day / 1 park with transport from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit the Medieval Town of Provins – Transport from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

French Conversation Class at Café de Flore & Guided Tour of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit to the Eiffel Tower & Paris Coach Tour – Skip the line
At 0 Km from the hotel

Coach Tour of the Historic Districts of Paris + Visit to Notre-Dame Cathedral
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Louvre – Skip-the-line ticket for 9:30am
At 0 Km from the hotel

Walking Tour of Montmartre + Guided Tour of the Louvre (skip-the-line tickets)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Louvre Museum + Lunch at the Eiffel Tower + Guided Tour of Notre Dame – Skip the line
At 0 Km from the hotel

Tour of Notre Dame, Montmartre & The Louvre Museum – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of the Palace of Versailles (morning trip) – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of Versailles & The Fountain Displays in the Gardens (summer only) – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Palace of Versailles + Lunch & Coach Tour in Paris + Seine River Cruise + The Eiffel Tower – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit Claude Monet's House at Giverny & The Palace of Versailles – Skip-the-line tickets
At 0 Km from the hotel

Day Trip to Parc Asterix – Departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Excursion to Reims in the Champagne Region
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit the Loire Châteaux: Skip-the-line entry to Chambord, Chenonceau, and more!
At 0 Km from the hotel

Trip to the 1944 Normandy Landing Beaches
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Tour of Mont Saint-Michel – Departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Discover Normandy, Brittany & Mont Saint-Michel – 2-day excursion
At 0 Km from the hotel

2-day Excursion to the Loire Châteaux
At 0 Km from the hotel

Mont Saint-Michel & The Loire Châteaux – 2-day excursion
At 0 Km from the hotel

Mont Saint-Michel, Tours & The Loire Chateaux – 3-day excursion
At 0 Km from the hotel

4-day tour of Normandy, Brittany & The Loire
At 0 Km from the hotel

Cabaret at the Lido + Tour of the Paris Illuminations
At 0 Km from the hotel

Evening Tour of the Louvre (6:30pm) – Priority access
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit Giverny & Monet's House – Afternoon trip departing at 1:45pm
At 0 Km from the hotel

Dinner at the Eiffel Tower + Seine River Cruise
At 0 Km from the hotel

Accès coupe file - Menu 3 plats au Hard Rock Cafe de Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit Giverny & Monet's House – Morning trip departing 8:15am
At 0 Km from the hotel

Visit Mont Saint-Michel and its Abbey – Departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Evening River Cruise & Moulin Rouge Show
At 0 Km from the hotel

Excursion to the Verdun and Argonne Battlefields – Departing from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Shopping at La Vallée Village – Transport from Paris included
At 0 Km from the hotel

The Palace & Gardens of Versailles: Priority Access + Train Tickets from Paris
At 0 Km from the hotel

Dinner at the Eiffel Tower, Seine River Cruise & Show at the Lido – A perfect Parisian evening
At 0 Km from the hotel

Guided Walk around the Jardin du Luxembourg
At 0 Km from the hotel

Day Trip to the Palace of Versailles with Audio Guide
At 0 Km from the hotel

Evening City Tour, Seine River Cruise & Visit to the Eiffel Tower with Priority Access
At 0 Km from the hotel

La Marina de Paris Dinner Cruise – Transport included
At 0 Km from the hotel

Dinner & Show at the Lido – Transport by bus included
At 0 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Julien
At 1.8 Km from the hotel

At 1.8 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Le Grand Colbert
At 1.8 Km from the hotel

The Passageway Enigma ─ Treasure Hunt and Investigation animated by a Guide
At 0 Km from the hotel

Murder Mystery Tour of Paris’ Covered Passageways – Open ticket (valid until 31/12/16)
At 0 Km from the hotel

Jardin des Tuileries
At 1.9 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Gallopin
At 1.9 Km from the hotel

Musée des Arts Décoratifs
At 1.9 Km from the hotel

Le Grand Rex
At 1.9 Km from the hotel

Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Eiffel Tower with a Private Guide – Skip-the-line entry
At 0 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Le Vaudeville
At 2 Km from the hotel

Restaurant Clémentine
At 2 Km from the hotel