Brick walls, industrial lighting, a Little Italy ambiance…. We come to Grazie just as much to try the crazy cocktails, shaken by Ricardo and Alejandra behind the solid wood bar (Harigatorade, No Fear No Pear… €12), as to take in this modern scene and the smell of the pizza (made with 100% Italian flours and produce) being baked in the wood-fired oven. Our favorites: the Bawini (spianata calabra, spicy sausage), and the Aurora (tomato, mozzarella, basil, nothing fancy). Just as good and authentic, the vitello tonnata, the antipasto (including the Gradisca, Piedmont beef marinated with honey, lapsang-souchong tea and juniper berries) and the tiramisu, all washed down with a Catarratto blanc from Sicily or a primitivo from Puglia (€6-11 a glass)…. Pizzas €8-20, antipasta €15-35, desserts €9-10